I have had some recent requests for resources for our kiddos who continue to struggle to find their 'calm'. Although restrictions will begin to be loosened in the near future, this does not necessarily mean we will be back to business as usual. I have found a few resources that I think may continue to help families navigate the ongoing changes.
I found this video about supporting children when parents are away. Although it is designed for secondary caregivers, I found it to be a powerful visual resource for how you can help your child find their calm and what you can do as an adult when they just cannot do it for their child-self. It is well worth the 19 minutes it took to watch. The creator of the video is Conscious Discipline® is which is a comprehensive classroom management program and a social-emotional curriculum. You do have to sign up for access to their website but it is free (option to purchase the premium version). This video is available in the free version along with LOTS of other amazing free resources.
I also found another resource from Counselor Keri. I turn to her resources frequently! She just published an article about Setting up a Calm Corner at Home. She explains what this is and makes suggestions of items to have in it. (Of course, she has options to purchase items from her, but you can be creative and create from what you have on hand at home too! Ask your child to help you decide what you put in it. Their help will invest them in the corner and also tailor it to what best fits your kiddo!) Counselor Keri also explains how to use the Calm Corner and how to support your child after they have used this tool. It can be a great tool for your child, and for you! You can model how to use it when YOU are the one frustrated/angry/sad (plus it's a nicer place to give yourself a timeout than the bathroom).
I think it is important to remember there is so, so much out of our control - more than typical right now. Mrs. Syvestre posted this previously, but I think it fits here quite well as a reminder to stop and ask ourselves, and our kids, the simple question 'is this in my control?' Remember, focus your energy on what is!
And, last but not least I want to remind you that knowing what is coming is a HUGE comfort and very effective antidote to anxiety! Here is the link to Mrs. Brun's blogpost Your Friend the Daily Schedule. It is never too late to start, you just need the next minute (and determination) to do it.
Please reach out to your grade level School Counselor for additional support. Our contact information is posted to the right. =>
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