Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Our Temporary New Normal

We all have a new normal and we’re all trying to adapt to the temporary changes. Students may be nervous and confused about what’s happening. Assure them that adults are making the best decisions to help everyone be safe and healthy. An important aspect of counseling is understanding not to focus or worry about things outside of our control. This current pandemic is out of our control, but we can control how we respond. Share with your child that with a positive attitude they can overcome anything. Students will be home for two weeks so let's make it fun. Create memories and enjoy spending some quality time together. Below are some ideas that can bring the family together and help with anxiety and stress. Have fun and enjoy your time together! Feel free to post and share family bonding or madness during our quarantine.

  • Have an open discussion and answer any questions your child may have. If you’re not sure of an answer, to be honest, and say not sure. The goal is to reassure any fears they may have.
  • Game night
  • Movie night
  • Dance night
  • Charades (Google great resource) 
  • Yoga (Youtube is a great resource)
  • Read a book
  • Write in a journal

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